
comScore 最近发布了截至到2012年5月份前三个月内的美国手机行业数据。该研究调查了美国3万名手机用户发现三星是美国最大的手机厂商,市场份额为25.7%,Google的Android在美国智能手机的份额继续增加,占50.9%,苹果则为31.9%。



Top Mobile OEMs
3 Month Avg. Ending May 2012 vs. 3 Month Avg. Ending Feb. 2012
Total U.S. Mobile Subscribers (Smartphone & Non-Smartphone) Ages 13+
Source: comScore MobiLens
Share (%) of Mobile Subscribers
Feb-12 May-12 Point Change
Total Mobile Subscribers 100.0% 100.0% N/A
Samsung 25.6% 25.7% 0.1
LG 19.4% 19.1% -0.3
Apple 13.5% 15.0% 1.5
Motorola 12.8% 12.0% -0.8
HTC 6.3% 6.1% -0.2


美国有将近1.1亿用户使用智能手机,比2月份上升了5个百分点。Android平台份额最高,为50.9%,增至0.8个百分点。在发布iPhone 5周年后,苹果在智能手机的市场份额达到31.9%,增长了1.7个百分点。RIM以11.4%的份额排在第三,然后是微软,市场份额为4%,Symbian为1.1%

Top Smartphone Platforms
3 Month Avg. Ending May 2012 vs. 3 Month Avg. Ending Feb. 2012
Total U.S. Smartphone Subscribers Ages 13+
Source: comScore MobiLens
Share (%) of Smartphone Subscribers
Feb-12 May-12 Point Change
Total Smartphone Subscribers 100.0% 100.0% N/A
Google 50.1% 50.9% 0.8
Apple 30.2% 31.9% 1.7
RIM 13.4% 11.4% -2.0
Microsoft 3.9% 4.0% 0.1
Symbian 1.5% 1.1% -0.4



Mobile Content Usage
3 Month Avg. Ending May 2012 vs. 3 Month Avg. Ending Feb. 2012
Total U.S. Mobile Subscribers (Smartphone & Non-Smartphone) Ages 13+
Source: comScore MobiLens
Share (%) of Mobile Subscribers
Feb-12 May-12 Point Change
Total Mobile Subscribers 100.0% 100.0% N/A
Sent text message to another phone 74.8% 74.8% 0.0
Used downloaded apps 49.5% 51.1% 1.6
Used browser 49.2% 49.8% 0.6
Accessed social networking site or blog 36.1% 36.7% 0.6
Played Games 32.2% 33.5% 1.3
Listened to music on mobile phone 24.8% 27.0% 2.2

